domingo, 28 de dezembro de 2014

HOPE, by Tádzio Nanan

The world is bad...
But you are good and fair.
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

Life is hard...
But you are a survivor, you are a warrior.
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

The dream is over?
Find a new one (there is always a dream waiting to be discovered).
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

Your heart is broken...
Be brave: invite her(him) to go out with you.
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

Your soul is in a deep sadness...
Immerse yourself in the magic, in the beauty, in the mysteries of life.
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

You got lost on the way to happiness...
Stop and rethink the whole strategy.
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

Your eyes can only see in shades of gray...
Open your heart to life and the colors will come back.
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

They left you alone...
Be your best friend, take care of yourself, love yourself.
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

You are getting old...
Old, but more experienced!
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

You are tired of carrying your cross...
Gather every little piece of you, renew your strength and go make your work.
Have faith in God, in life, in yourself; not ever give up!

terça-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2014

LAUGH AND CREATE, by Tádzio Nanan

I prefer some daily laughters than the erudition of the great men.
It is biblical: the more you know the more you suffer.
Besides: castigat ridendo mores. 
And everyone knows: laughter is the best medicine.
Yes, I prefer to be the funny guy than to be “a serious guy", immersed in everyday problems, exchanging dreams by food, enslaved by rivalry, power and money.
I prefer to have the head on the moon than to have it full of useless information. The ordinary life does not satisfy me. I was born to the different, to the unexpected, because I want more. My soul impels me to that.
I renounced the quest for success, the struggle for power and money. My goal is simpler, but more noble: create with originality. Do art and imagine new paths and possibilities to life.
People laugh at me, because they think I´m a fool. I laugh at them, because I know how wrong they are about life and its delicate beauty.
Laugh and create: my civilizing mission!

segunda-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2014


My soul is in deep silence. Not the silence full of meanings of the wisdom. Not the placid silence of the illumination. It´s a painful silence of a tortured soul, that now inquires itself: have I been wrong about life for all these years?
My heart is in silence, too. Not the comforting silence of a shared love. Not the silence full of plenitude of a generous and fearless heart. It´s a silence of an abandoned heart, that now inquires itself: why did I hide myself for so long?
Paralised, between so distressful silences, I search in the images of my unconscious the source of my unhappy choices. Why did I run away from myself, from people, from life? How did it happen?

To find out these answers means begin to live again...

quinta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2014


Um coração sensível, para aceitar as gentes...
A mão acolhedora sempre estendida ao próximo...
Somos todos teus filhos, Laís!
Filhos da tua inteligência e coragem.
Filhos da tua benevolência, também.
Crescemos com teu exemplo de amor à vida e esperança.
Um coração e uma mente atentos, acompanhando os ventos, as mudanças, alvoreceres novos, novos tempos. Um coração e uma mente mutantes, juntando, unificando pureza de criança, mistérios juvenis, brios de mãe, avó, bisavó, mulher.
Parabéns pela grandeza de ânimo, pela grandeza de caráter.
Gratidão e amor eterno dos teus.

Família Nanan

A CROOKED GUY!, por Tádzio Nanan

I´m a crooked guy, gauche. I was born this way, I will die this way. There is no remedy to my obliquity.
I ´m a crooked guy. Metaphorically and literally.
For example: I can not think accurately. My thoughts are confused, they can not penetrate the mysteries of life, even the ones of the everyday life. I think confusedly, with no method and direction.
And my feelings? Dark and conflicting, laden of sadness and despair. Most of them are unbearable to me. A cross that I carry every day.
I have crooked legs, crooked teeth, back problems, an asymmetrical face (as you can see, I have very bad genes...). Again: there is no remedy to this. Perhaps born again?
And worst of all: people say I´m a fool and I guess they are right. Look at the whole situation: insignificant talents, trivial points of view, unrealistic dreams... A wasted life? Apparently, yes...
I walk and walk and don´t get anywhere. I imagine a thousand things but I can´t concretize them. I study a lot and what I find out? The obvious, of course. Waste of time? Apparently, yes...
I´m a crooked guy, tell me all the voices, all the clues.
But someone benevolent, knowing my problems, reminded me of an old saying: God writes straight with crooked lines.
That night, I renewed my hopes, and slept in peace, thinking that perhaps through my obliquity God is writing a singular and universal work!

quarta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2014

UM CARA TORTO, por Tádzio Nanan

Sou um cara torto, todo errado, gauche. Nasci assim, assim vou morrer. É como me quiseram as forças superiores. É como me fizeram aqui embaixo. Pena que ainda não inventaram remédio contra a obliquidade...
Sou um cara torto, metafórica e literalmente falando. Por exemplo: não consigo pensar com acuidade. Meus pensamentos não penetram a fundo os mistérios da vida. Penso confusamente, me expresso confusamente, confusamente ajo. Não tenho método, roteiro, direção. Percorro uma trajetória impossível de ser prevista ou calculada, como uma pluma ao vento. Puro caos.
E meus sentimentos? Sombrios, conflituosos, carregados de tristeza com uma pitada de desespero. Tipo de coisa com a qual se nasce e não nos livramos nunca. Um açoite diário.
Torto, todo torto, torto deveras. Dentes tortos, pernas tortas, torta a coluna, o rosto torto (veja aí a qualidade dos genes que me legaram...).
Como se não bastasse a obliquidade generalizada, a boca miúda me tem na categoria de tolo, e acho que ela está certa, mesmo. Invisto em talentos insignificantes, publico pensamentos superficiais, baseio minha história em sonhos irrealistas... Uma vida desperdiçada? Aparentemente, sim!
Eu ando, ando, ando e não chego a lugar algum (estarei preso numa maldição a la mitologia grega?). Imagino uma miríada de coisas, mas não consigo realizá-las em qualquer grau. Passo horas estudando, e qual é a minha grande descoberta? O óbvio, claro! Perda de tempo? Aparentemente, sim!
Sou um cara torto, todo errado, gauche. É o que me dizem todas as pistas.
Mas alguém caridoso, próximo a mim e conhecedor de minha delicada situação, lembrou-me de um antigo ditado popular que diz: Deus escreve certo por linhas tortas. É verdade, inescrutáveis são os caminhos Dele...
Naquela noite até remocei, renovei as esperanças, dormi em paz, cheio de fé, pensando que, talvez, através da minha obliquidade, Ele esteja escrevendo uma grandíssima e singular obra!

domingo, 7 de dezembro de 2014

THE GIRL, por Tádzio Nanan

A lovely girl and her beautiful dream facing life and its circumstances.
She spreads love everywhere she goes. And she spreads doubts, too. She´s dangerous: a philosopher of the new criticism of value.
Her smile is the biggest smile on the face of the Earth, pure and sincere. It illuminates her family and everyone around her.
But in her eyes we can see flames: the flames of hope, courage and change.
Her dream is huge: a better civilization, a better future, a new era of peace, cooperation and self-development.
She never gives up because of her dream.
She never surrenders because of her dream.
She has no fear because her dream is at her side.
The dream makes her wiser. The dream impels her to the future.
And she impels the dream, too.
The dream never gives up of her: she makes “him” more believable.
The dream never surrenders to the circumstances because she taught “him” to be stronger.
What a spectacular couple: the girl and her dream. Not any girl and any dream: the tireless Caroline and her wonderful dream: to change the world for better.
Good luck, Caroline, in life and in fight.

Dedicated to my brilliant and talented sister Caroline.