sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2015


You´re not so marvelous
You´re not so generous

You´re not so powerful
You´re not so beautiful

You´re not so memorable
You´re not so capable

You´re not so healthy
You´re not so wealthy

You´re not a gift
You´re not the shift

You´re not his/her dream
You´re not what you seem

You´re not so conscious
You´re not so gracious

You´re not so smart
Nor the most important part

You´re not so fair
Nor the escape from despair

You´re not so divine
Nor delicious like wine

You´re not the best
You failed the test

You´re not so helpful
Sometimes you´re dreadful

You´re not the solution
Frequently you increase the confusion

You´re not the example 
(We don´t need another temple)

You´re not the future
You don´t have enough culture

You´re not the exit
You don´t have the courage to face it

You´re not the light
You´re crazy to fight

You´re not an unanimity
You even make charity

You´re not the cure
(Sometimes you´re very obscure)

But relax: at least, you are better than me!

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